Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Indiana Still Sucks

March 13 00:00

Also i can't believe how long i had this blog named Runjustdrun shows how many people are reading. Not surprising grammars atrocious. Blogging because i am bored and i can't find this guy! I'm in this crappy soggy pizza town till i find him. How hard is it it to find a guy running around in a mask? If i was Shaggy i would be tripping over guys like him.

 Course Shaggy would never be in bed (figuratively) with something like my boss. No new orders yet and I am still piecing together my dream from Sunday, head feels better not great. Found some Missing Kid reports but nothing out of the ordinary, deciding to checkout old Missing Kid Reports fewer so that is worry some means someone just started picking them off.

I wonder if anyone figured out why some get away?

I mean no one GETS AWAY but why does it take longer for some more than others. I get theirs some Psychic component that why he needs people like me putting his thought in your head. Then that flows into the chicken and egg thing is he real because we let him be real. I never gave much weight to the Tulpa theory despite what Sam and Dean taught you children. It takes more than thinking about it you need enough will to pull something into existence and I mean A LOT of will, like...I don't anyone with that amount of will.

March 14 17:00

Break in the case!...ok minor not bad luck in the case. Was grabbing some Subway (grab that chicken parmesan while you can i swear its like the Mc Ribb) and decided to eat in a park and guess what i found spray painted in said park?

 okay that's not damning evidence but it was peppered everywhere and get this. Near the park is a forest...a big forest. Gotta narrow it down more but I'm closing in. If I could just remember some little detail from my dream, something i missed. Guess ill sleep on it.


Went back over the missing people reports a "friend" just sent me i told him kids the first time so i didn't get these till later. Sammy Donovan, Sam to his friends went missing in that park at age five returned to his parents no worse for the ware. Sam now thirteen also went missing months ago, hasn't been found.

I'll see about talking to his folks when i can. I am closing in you smiling bastard.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Slim needs a cellphone!

Guess where I am Indiana? Why? Fuck if I know. I started off Sunday feeling like someone pored hot coffee in my head. Knives in my eyes and more bad dreams then anyone should have. A Indiana vanity plate a kid couldn't be older then thirteen. A red building with a army of faceless people all shaking their heads at me. A proxy like me in a forest I can't see his face he wears a dumb ass mask a black and what's smiley face with eyebrows. I walk away from him,I don't need his shit not when I am asleep. Then it hits me the smell like a hospital waiting room. Copper and plastic I walk back towards my fellow proxy a knife my hand. I go for the kill. Then I wake up. On the floor my nose bleeding like coke head. When I can actually stand again, I pack, clean an head out. No I'm not going to THAT Indiana town I hate zealots and they have bigger problems then me. Douche I know in the DMV gave me the address on the plates and he aint there. Indiana felt wrong whole place just does. Wonder why? No seriously I wonder why it's not him or JUST him. Something the white man brought with him? Old world god. Also the pizzas crap people here wouldn't know quality crust if it bit them on the ass! The address on the plate was a dead end. Someone bought it off a junckyard death row, good way to grab a cheap hard to trace car. I'll find just need follow the missing person reports.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I'm not going to bullshit you. I'm not Looking for a ark nore em I a bad habbit or hapless observer. I am mentally unstable you would have to be to follow the orders of a faceless guy in a suit who judging by the tenticals hails from Japan not Egypt or Germany. Don't know where those stories come from, truth be told he dosent hail from anywhere and their is no suit it's a bad disguise to blend, an authority figure kids to "look up too". Irony Isn't lost on him they never spoke. What's a proxie you ask? Well we've been given diffrent names all over the place Fisk use too call us the indocterated. Feb's over worked under appreciated, overworked, completely useless. We're the big guys "faceless" army. I swear they write themselves. What do we do? We get get him coffee. What do you think we do? Are you new to all this? We make creepy ass videos and post give slivers of information while freaking out the runners. Skribble that dumb ass symbole everywhere Occasionally we off runners who are particularly troubelsome. Mostly we just put them in a position to die easy. So where is my creepy? What you mean like stop motion babie dolls? I hate you ark you make the rest of us look bad. Anyway I was a fuck nut to begin with drooling into a padded floor for god knows how long. No he didn't do it to me. Wish he had I could be Internet famous no I'm just crazy but my isanity keeps me sane if that makes sense the purple 6 foot otter in the corner says it does. Why em I doing the blog? Because I don't care. I do my job and I keep my nose clean. I've feed more than my share to it and I'll do it again. Why? Because I rather be in the devils graces then it's wake. However, I am not on his side not on anyone's side. Just a proxie I do have one...piece of advice. Run just run don't fight don't investigate just run or I might have to find you.